Why Build Workforce Housing?

​Brookwood Partners believes everyone deserves a high-quality education and a place to call home. Increasingly, educators in California are finding it too expensive to live in the communities they serve. This makes it harder for schools to retain talent, leads to teacher turnover and staffing shortages, and degrades the educational experience for all.

Education Workforce Housing is one way school districts, colleges, and universities can address this challenge. Educational institutions own hundreds of thousands of acres of land. Transforming vacant or underutilized property into workforce housing creates a community asset and a powerful recruitment tool.

Educational institutions across the state are increasingly exploring the potential for workforce housing. To learn more about the benefits of workforce housing, contact the principals of Brookwood Partners.


  • Attract and retain highly qualified faculty and staff

  • Make it possible for educators to live in the community they serve

  • Assist educators in saving towards homeownership​

  • Use underutilized school land to benefit employees

  • Reduce carbon emissions from long commute times to and from work​

  • Foster a supportive community environment​

  • Enrich the educational experience for students and families in the community


JUHSD: Faculty & Staff Housing

122 units of high-quality housing exclusively for district employees and their families.